Ecuador Soccer Exchange
Quito & Guayaquil, Ecuador
November 9 – 19, 2024
About the Program
From November 9-19, 2024, four female and six male adult coaches and administrators from the U.S., primarily from California, embarked on a journey to Ecuador as part of an educational exchange focused on soccer and youth violence prevention. This program was funded by the Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs’ (ECA) Sport for Social Change (SSC) initiative and implemented by PH International in collaboration the Ecuadorian non-profit FUDELA.
The program kicked off in Quito with a program orientation and a bustling Young Coaches sports festival. There, they learned about some of Fudela’s many initiatives, soccer-based and otherwise, and reconnected with Ecuadorian participants who had previously traveled to the U.S. These Ecuadorian counterparts had already begun implementing community impact projects in their hometowns – the group would go on to visit and participate in four of those initiatives. The Quito itinerary also included a visit to the U.S. embassy to learn about the different forms of diplomacy and play embassy officials in a friendly soccer match. A cultural highlight in Quito was the breathtaking excursion to Cotopaxi National Park.
The next leg of the journey brought the group to Guayaquil. Here, they delved deeper into how sports can serve as a powerful tool for fostering exercise, mentorship, and positive camaraderie among young people. They saw various levels of soccer, and were able to lead sessions for a boy’s and girl’s group at the Junta de la Beneficencia Sports facility. Other highlights included visiting the Moreira girls’ soccer club led by a passionate Ecuadorian program alumna, engaging with players and coaches for some lighthearted games at a refugee boarding house, and a visit to the U.S. consulate for a meeting with staff and a soccer match against the resident U.S. Marines.